Province of Zaragoza
Romans, Muslims, Jewish and Christians left their own print in this crossway, so the list of must-see monuments is endless. Without a prior notice Zaragoza will trap you. Not only because of its hospitality and kind people. But also due to the wide ‘gastro’ offer.

A two thousand years old city
One step from El Pilar, La Seo cathedral will blow you away with its beauty and eclectic styles mix. Aljafería palace is another must-see visit. Like ‘La Seo’ Mudejar style – World Heritage -. But there’s a lot more to be seen and done. The Forum, public baths, river harbor and the theatre belong nowadays to the Roman Route ‘Caesaraugusta’. But if you are willing to follow Goya’s track, please visit the Zaragoza Museum, the Goya Museum – Ibercaja Collection, or the Alma Mater Museum, where his great pictures series are exhibited.
The city’s collection of museums is completed by the Pablo Gargallo and Pablo Serrano Museums both devoted to contemporary sculpture.

Pilar Basilica
According to an ancient tradition, the Pilar Basilica was built in the same place where Holy Mary is said to…

La Seo or Cathedral of Salvador
Built on the city's old mosque, it is an extraordinary compendium of seven centuries of art history, from the 12th…

Aljafería Palace
It was a recreational residence for Muslim kings and reflects the splendor achieved by the Taifa kingdom at its maximum…

Ruta de Caesaraugusta
Caesaraugusta es la única ciudad romana que gozó del privilegio de ostentar el nombre de su fundador: Caesar Augusto

Zaragoza Museum
It is the oldest museum in Zaragoza and houses valuable collections of archeology and fine arts

Goya Museum – Ibercaja Collection
Goya is considered, along with Durero, Rembrandt and Picasso, one of the best artistic engravers in History

Alma Mater Museum
This Museum exhibits the history of the Archdiocese of Saragossa, whose origins date back to the first century

Museo Pablo Gargallo
Ubicado en un bello palacio renacentista, alberga parte de la interesante obra de este gran escultor aragonés

IAACC Pablo Serrano
Alberga las colecciones de arte del escultor Pablo Serrano y otros artistas contemporáneos, además de ser un centro de difusión…
More proposals in the capital
In 2008, water-devoted International Exhibition transformed most of town. Ebro’s river banks were recovered and new spaces for citizens were created, like the Water Park, which along with the Park ‘José Antonio Labordeta’ form the main Zaragoza’s green spaces. Expo premise is another must-see facility in the city- The river Aquarium, the largest in Europe, is hosted here.
If you are travelling with your kids, harry up and visit the EMOZ Origami Museum and Museum of Fire and Firefighters. We also recommend you visit: The Real Maestranza de Caballería de Zaragoza (the Royal Cavalry Armoury), one of the best preserved examples of an Aragonese Renaissance house-palace, the spectacular Patio de la Infanta, the Museum of Lanterns and Rosario de Cristal and the Natural Science Museum.

Recinto Expo
La Expo 2008 transformó la ciudad de Zaragoza, dotándola de nuevas infraestructuras y espacios, como el concurrido parque del Agua…

Parque José Antonio Labordeta
Un parque con solera y mucho encanto. Es el pulmón de la ciudad de Zaragoza y entre otras muchas actividades,…

Zaragoza Aquarium
A Nile crocodile, more than three meters long, nice otters or naughty marmosets are some of the more than 300…

Escuela Museo Origami de Zaragoza (EMOZ)
La Escuela Museo Origami, ubicada en piso superior del Centro de Historias de Zaragoza, es el primer museo en Europa…

Museo del Fuego y los Bomberos
Esta exposición permite comprender, de una forma atractiva y didáctica, la labor que realizan los bomberos y la sorprendente evolución…

Palacio de la Real Maestranza de Caballería
Junto a la Seo de Zaragoza encontrarás este típico palacio renacentista aragonés que perteneció a Don Miguel Donlope, notable jurista…

Museo de los Faroles y Rosario de Cristal
Alberga las diferentes carrozas y farolas que desfilan en la noche del 13 de octubre por las calles del casco…

Museo de Ciencias Naturales
Interesante museo ubicado en el Paraninfo de la Universidad de Zaragoza que alberga las colecciones de paleontología de la Universidad…
Very close to Zaragoza
Goya’s works can also be admired in the monastery ‘Aula Dei’, located in the Zaragoza’s suburb of Peñaflor, and in some nearby towns around the city, like Muel, Alagón, Pedrola and Remolinos. Moreover, only a short drive from the town will take you to the castle of Cadrete.
Numerous Ebro River’s water floods along centuries have originated extraordinary valuable sceneries only a few miles from Zaragoza: river lakes known as ‘galachos’. The one in the suburb of Juslibol is one of the most visited due to good transport to city centre. The one in La Alfranca is an excellent spot for bird-watching.

Monastery ‘Aula Dei’
Francisco de Goya left his print in the shape of wall paintings in this beautiful monastery, closet o Zaragoza

Ermita Virgen de la Fuente de Muel
Goya decoró en 1772 las pechinas de la ermita de la Virgen de la Fuente de Muel, situada a menos…

La capital de la Ribera Alta del Ebro está presidida por la silueta de su iglesia parroquial, una de las…

Palacio de la Duquesa de Villahermosa
La villa de Pedrola atesora este majestuoso palacio renacentista construido en el siglo XVI por la todopoderosa familia de los…

Iglesia de San Juan Bautista de Remolinos
En las pechinas de la iglesia de Remolinos verás cuatro lienzos pintados por Goya hacia 1772

Castillo de Cadrete
A tan solo veinte minutos de Zaragoza se levanta esta magnífica fortaleza musulmana construida a finales del siglo X y…

Galacho de Juslibol
Se trata de un ecosistema único y singular, un espacio natural protegido situado junto al río Ebro a tan solo ocho…

Galacho de La Alfranca
El galacho de La Alfranca es un espacio natural protegido situado en Pastriz, junto al río Ebro y a tan…