

Memories of a genius
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The link between Nobel Prize Ramón y Cajal with his home town, particularly remarked by the scientist in his memories, are shown in the Route Cajal, across three of the locations where he spent his early years: Ayerbe, Valpalmas and Linás de Marcuello.

Santiago-Ramon-y-Cajal-Cambridge ramon-y-cajal fotografo para eventos Ramón y Cajal Foto 1º planta a

In Valpalmas, a Centre for interpretation on Cajal is completed with a singular natural scenery, ‘Aguarales de Valdemilaz’. Ayerbe offers a second center, in the same house where the scientist welled, and a monumental old town.

Linás de Marcuello, with steep rocky hills, devotes a third center to towns in villages. Huesca Provincial Archive hosts massive files about his legacy.


Basic info

  • Phone: 976 69 14 22 (C. I. of Valpalmas)
  • Phone: 974 38 05 54 (C. I. of Ayerbe)

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What to see near Ayerbe

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