Castle of Loarre

Castle of Loarre

The Romanesque fortress in best condition across Europe
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The astonishing wall around it and the eleven towers will welcome you. Built during the 11th century, it was first a royal palace, a monastery later and, nowadays, a films location.

Loarre (2) Loarre (3) Loarre 1 (2) Loarre 1 (3) Loarre 1 (4) Castillo de Loarre, panorámica.
Javier Romeo©. 24 03 2004.

The castle of Loarre was founded by the great monarch Sancho III the Big and it is a real jewel of civil and military architecture of that age. Raised on a rocky rig at 1,071 metres high, it defended the Kingdom of Aragón’s border line and it became key for the Christians to conquer these lands from the Muslims.

It has been frequently used as a film location, among others, ‘Heaven’s Kingdom’ by Ridley Scott.

From this position all the plain lands around Huesca can be controlled and particularly Bolea, a major Muslim settlement in the area which controlled the fertile plain lands.

Check out how good condition the homage and Queen’s towers are in. Once inside, Saint Mary’s church, under Jaca-like artistic influence, shows a wide ornamental variety in the capitals. Under the church the open crypt can be admired, with a barrel vault.

The little chapel, Santa Quiteria’s crypt at the entrance and the unusual domed majestic Romanesque church in the castle are three monuments to be mentioned.


Basic info

Castle of Loarre
  • Opening period: all year round (except Mondays).
  • Opening times: from 11 am to 5.30 pm.
  • Price: 6 € (ask for reduced rates).
  • Car park: free.
  • Phone: (+34) 974 94 21 80
  • Email:

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