Mora de Rubielos

Mora de Rubielos

It is a pleasure for sight to admire from the outside the castle in its grandeur, built up by Fernández de Heredia family between 14th and 15th centuries
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Gothic style gets fully carved into the stone of the former monastery “Colegiata de Santa María” and the impressive castle, which crowns the area and is one of the best preserved in Aragón.

Mora de Rubielos – Foto de la OOTT de Mora (1) Mora de Rubielos – Foto de la OOTT de Mora (1) Ex-Colegiata de Santa María Mora de Rubielos (3) Mora de Rubielos (5) Mora de Rubielos (1) Mora de Rubielos (4)

This nice village near Teruel, declared Historic Heritage, has preserved the medieval urban lay-out, including part of the town walls and the ancient wall gates: Alcalá, Cabra, Rubielos and the new Rubielos.

Two magnificent examples of Gothic art in Aragón outstand from the rest: the former monastery “Colegiata de Santa María la Mayor” and the impressive Fernández de Heredia castle, which combined military and manor house functionalities. During August, this castle becomes one of the facilities for the Festival “Puerta al Mediterráneo” (Door to the Mediterranean Sea).

Guided tours start from the Tourism Office, including the old part, the former monastery and the castle.


Basic info

Mora de Rubielos
  • Guided tours: 978 80 61 32
  • Phone: 978 80 03 95 (castle)

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What to see near Mora de Rubielos

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