Crystal Caves of Molinos

Crystal Caves of Molinos

Declared Natural Monuments, they are one of the most spectacular caves in Aragón
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Crystal Caves, in Teruel’s province town of Molinos, will lead you through a passionate travel to the underground. Stalactite and stalagmite, columns, curtains and waterfalls, in several colours and crystallizations, have made them deserve this award.

Cuevas de Cristal de Molinos Cuevas de Cristal de Molinos Molinos Cuevas de Cristal de Molinos

The visit to the Crystal Caves Natural Monument will let you enter a real natural museum and make a trip to the underground which, undoubtedly, overwhelms imagination.

The cave is a complex web of small rooms connected by short galleries full of spectacular forms of stalactites and stalagmites. These formations seem curtains, columns and waterfalls but, apart from stones, this wonderful and astonishing cave shelters a great amount of fauna, both fossil and alive.

They were discovered in 1961 and inside them the most ancient hominid burial in Aragón was discovered. Known as Man from Molinos, it is 25,000 years old and if you would like to see the remains, you only have to come over the Museum in Molinos. Caves can be visited all over the year and they hold yearly the Music and Word Festival, a series of classical music concerts and poetry jams which, out of question, have the best frame possible.


Basic info

Crystal Caves of Molinos
  • Opening period: all year round
  • Price: 7 € (ask for reduced rates)
  • Phone: 978 84 90 85 (Town Council)
  • Email:

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