Gallocanta pool

Gallocanta pool

Midway from Jiloca and Daroca, in a no-man’s land at a height of more than 1,000 metres above sea level, the main salty wetland in Western Europe is waiting for you
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This beautiful enclave is famous for being a real paradise for birds. Every Winter, it is the chosen location by cranes to stop over during their migrations, up to 60,000 individuals. A really worth living show for human eyes and ears worth living.

Gallocanta ornitología Gallocanta grullas_9586 Gallocanta Grullas
Pools dimensions are remarkable: five miles long and a mile and a half wide. And, during rainy season, it can be deeper than 2 metres.

Special traits in the Guided Natural Reserve ‘Laguna de Gallocanta’ make it one of the most singular ecosystems in Europe. It is the chosen place by the crane to stop over in their way to their migrant destination. Every Fall, until Spring comes, they arrive marching in in their thousands, up to 60,000 individuals. A really worth living show for your eyes and your ear.

If you feel like it, you can enjoy, moreover, a very interesting interactive exhibition in the Centre of Interpretation ‘Laguna de Gallocanta’ (located among Bello and Tornos), as well as signaled routes and balconies providing birds watching at their best.

Guided tours are organized by Aragón’s Natural Web (Red Natural de Aragón) during the migration season, normally in November and December, where this spectacular natural show can be witnessed guided by environmental experts. Take a chance on it and learn all the secrets lying behind these magnificent migratory birds.  

You can also know the lagoon and its surrounding on foot and by bicycle. In this journey all the beauty in these sceneries is at your disposal, as well as birds dwelling the. One of the routes sets off from Bello and runs around the lagoon, and other one heads to Berrueco.


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Gallocanta pool

What to see near Gallocanta

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